Notice: Five Star Preview Reports (posted 09/20/2016)

The Five Star Preview Reports will be available on September 20th. To access these reports, select the CASPER Reporting link located on the CMS QIES Systems for Providers page. Once in the CASPER Reporting system, select the 'Folders' button and access the Five Star Report in your 'st LTC facid' folder, where st is the 2-character postal code of the state in which your facility is located and facid is the state-assigned Facility ID of your facility.

Nursing Home Compare will update with August's Five Star data on September 28, 2016.

Important Note: The 5 Star Help line (800-839-9290) will be available September 26, 2016 through September 30, 2016. Please direct your inquiries to if the Help Line is not available.