CMS revised Policies for Immediate Imposition of Federal Remedies

This policy memo replaces S and C: 16-31-NH released July 22, 2016 and the revision on July 29, 2016:

Revisions to Chapter 7 of the State Operations Manual (SOM) (Attachment):
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has revised guidance relating to the Immediate Imposition of Federal Remedies. Other sections of Chapter 7 have been revised to ensure consistency with these revisions.

Major revisions include:
We specify that when the current survey identifies Immediate Jeopardy (IJ) that does not result in serious injury, harm, impairment or death, the CMS Regions may determine the most appropriate remedy;

We clarified that Past Noncompliance deficiencies as described in SS7510.1 of this chapter, are not included in the criteria for Immediate Imposition of Remedies;

For Special Focus Facilities (SFFs), we now exclude any S/S level "F" citations under tags F812, F813 or F814 from the tags that require immediate imposition of remedies.

This memo is being released in draft. We seek comment on this policy by December 1, 2017