An RAI User's Manual Errata file has been posted to the CMS MDS 3.0 RAI Manual webpage at:
The Errata file, titled MDS 3.0 RAI User's Manual (v1.16R) Errata (v1) October 1, 2018, is located in the Downloads section of the webpage and contains the RAI Manual Change Table and associated replacement pages.
Revisions include:
- Chapter 3, Section J, Item J2000 Prior Surgery, amended criteria for Major Surgery. Specifically, the removal of the general anesthesia criterion.
- The examples for coding J2000 have been corrected to remove the criteria of general anesthesia
- Updated manual pages are marked with the footer "October 2018 (R)"
Providers who use a print version the RAI User's Manual should print the manual replacement pages and incorporate the replacement pages into the printed manual. A revised manual has not been posted, just the Errata