Become a Member
Do you need peer support? Do you need educational programs? Do you know what is current in gerontology and regulatory compliance? Look no further. PADONA is your answer!
Membership to the Pennsylvania Association Directors of Nursing Administration/Long Term Care (PADONA) shall be available to any person/agency/organization/facility who is actively interested in fostering the development of nursing administration through nursing leadership in long term care.
Please fill out the application in its entirety and return a copy of the application along with your payment.
You can send the completed application form via fax to (856) 780-5149, via email at, or send a hard copy to:
LuAnn White
(814) 599-3717
14232 Croghan Pike
Mount Union, PA 17066
Payment Options:
1. To pay by credit or debit card, click on the appropriate PayPal button below.
2. Make check or money order payable to PADONA and mail to:
LuAnn White
14232 Croghan Pike
Mount Union, PA 17066
When using either payment method, you still need to submit a completed application form. Failure to include the completed form will delay processing.
From a member
Membership Areas
Our members are divided into three different areas based on county location. Click the button below to see a map and list of the areas.
Membership Benefits
PADONA provides educational programs of high quality. Programs keep members aware of changes and developments in their distinguished profession. Where appropriate, programs will offer continuing education credits to Nurses and Nursing Home Administrators.​
Our purpose is to ensure quality care for the resident and the promotion of long term care. This includes consumer groups, regulatory agencies and the media.
News & Updates
We keep members informed of state and regional activities and provides timely articles relating to the field of nursing management and clinical issues in long term care.
Professional Support and Networking
Members represent a group of professionals who share common concerns, problems and solutions.
Leadership Training
PADONA members, through continuing educational programs, will be provided with management and leadership training programs.
Annual Convention
The Annual Convention offers valuable educational programs including exhibits representing the most up-to-date products, services and publications.
A scholarship program is available to provide funding for individuals interested in advancing their education.
Discount on Directed in Service
PADONA is a PA Department of Health approved provider of Directed in Service. We also provide continuing education credits for nurses.
Tuition Discount at Grand Canyon University Online
As members of Pennsylvania Association of Directors of Nursing Administration (PADONA), you are eligible for a 10% scholarship off tuition. If you are a spouse or dependent of a member, you are eligible for a 5% tuition discount. There has never been a better time to take the next step.
Membership Levels
Primary Membership
$85.00 (2 Years $165.00)
Membership is available to any current or former Director of Nursing, Assistant Director of Nursing, or Consultant to nursing professionals in long term care who is interested in fostering the development of Nursing Administration in Long Term Care.
Associate Membership
$70.00 (2 Years $135.00)Associate Membership is available to any professional involved in the long term health care field who is interested in supporting the goals and objectives of the organization (Activity Directors, Administrators, Inservice Coordinators / Directors of Staff Development, Medical Directors, Nursing Supervisors / Charge Nurses, Quality Assurance Directors, Social Services Directors, etc).
Agency Membership
$185.00 (2 Years $365.00)Agency Membership is available to any professional company involved in the long term health care field who is interested in supporting the goals and objectives of the organization.
Facility Membership
$680.00 (10 members for 1 year)
Facility membership is available for up to 10 facility employed nursing professionals, which may include the Director of Nursing, Assistant Director of Nursing, Nurse Manager, and other nursing professionals interested in supporting the goals and objectives of this organization. Facility membership shall have no voting privileges. The facility membership may offer individual voting privileges for an additional membership fee.
Corporate Membership
$765.00 (Group will all join at the same time)
Corporate Membership is available for up to 10 nursing professionals from the same organization/corporation who are/may be working in multiple facilities of the organization or at the organization/corporate offices in management/executive nursing leadership positions. These can include director of nursing, assistant director of nursing, chief nursing officer, director of nursing services, nurse managers, clinical liaisons, infection preventionists, staff development, wound care nurses and other nursing professionals interested in supporting the goals and objectives of PADONA as an organization. The Corporate Membership shall have no voting privileges but the Corporate Members are entitled to membership benefits related to education and courses. The Corporate Membership may receive individual voting privileges for an additional fee.
Retired Membership
$70.00 (2 Years $135.00)Retired membership is available to any retired professional previously involved in Long Term Care who is interested in supporting the goals and objectives of this organization. Retired members shall have no voting privileges. This would include retired nurses who have resigned from a long term care management position but want to keep current on long term care changes and education
Have a Question?
President/Board Chair
Candace McMullen
(814) 617-1435
Directed in Service & Continuing Education
Sophie Campbell
(724) 601-7873
LuAnn White
(814) 599-3717
Free Consultation
Whether you are interested in becoming a member, exhibitor, sponsor, scholarship recipient, etc, we will answer all of your questions. Lets schedule your free consultation.