Continuing Education - Summer Symposium

2024 Annual Summer Symposium on Quality

PADONA offers recordings and presentation material from our annual conference sessions. These sessions are designed to provide long-term care nurses with education and training.

Annual Summer Symposium on Quality

Purchase Sessions for Education & Training

Purchase video recordings and presentation material from our conference sessions to help train your team. Sessions are available to both PADONA members & non-members.

Once your payment has been received and membership status verified, you will receive an email with a link to download the session recordings and presentation material. For payment questions contact Candace Jones at

PADONA is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Pennsylvania State Nurses Association Approver Unit, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. No presenters or planners have a conflict of interest relative to this webinar. Nursing contact hours cannot be awarded for completion of the audio recording. PADONA assumes no liability for the accuracy of the information provided.

Purchase All Sessions from our 2 Day Symposium with All Power Points and Recordings

Video Recordings and Handouts For All 12 Seminars by Industry Experts on Resident Quality of Care Areas Such As:
  • Prevention of Readmissions
  • Respiratory Care
  • Falls Prevention and Management
  • And Many Others

Purchase Individual Symposium Sessions

Below you can review each of the sessions from our Summer Symposium on Quality and purchase individual videos with handouts.

Antibiotic Stewardship – Preserving the Miracle
Presented by: JoAnn Adkins, BSN, RN, CIC, LTC-CIP, FAPIC, Senior Infection Preventionist – Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority
Antibiotics were once called “miracle drugs” because they were so effective at treating deadly diseases. Penicillin, with its ability to cure potentially fatal infections, was called the miracle drug. This led to the development of more, stronger antibiotics. Unfortunately, inappropriate use of antibiotics leads to the development of multidrug-resistant organisms. Infections caused by these organisms are more difficult to treat, have limited treatment options, and have a higher morbidity and mortality. Antibiotic resistance and the scarce antibiotic choices for multi-drug resistant organisms are urgent worldwide public health problems. Antibiotic stewardship has become a critical responsibility for all healthcare institutions and antibiotic prescribers. Antibiotic stewardship programs facilitate the responsible use and protection of all antimicrobials and in turn, improve resident safety, reduce health care costs and decrease the development of resistance. This presentation will discuss the importance of antibiotic stewardship, the core elements of an antibiotic stewardship program, and review tools and resources available to assist facilities in implementing or evaluating an antibiotic stewardship program.
Preventing Readmissions
Presented by: Jennifer Fittery RN, BSN with CHR Consulting Services
Hospital readmissions can have negative outcomes for residents. The transitions of care are not always appropriate and transparent. How do you manage that? Do you have an established Hospital Readmission Reduction Program (HRRP)? We will be discussing how we can coordinate resident care at a facility level to prevent avoidable readmissions to the hospital within 30 days. We will be discussing key systems that can affect your HRRP’s. Identifying early changes in resident conditions to implement treatment interventions in facility to prevent transfer to the hospital. We will explore different options to implement at a facility level to increase treatment at the facility level. Continuous communication, monitoring and evaluation of the resident’s condition are key elements in the prevention of hospital transfers. We all agree that treating our residents in facility provides an overall better quality of care.
Proactive Falls Management: A Review of Risk Identification, Preventative Strategies/Care Planning, and Staff Empowerment
Presented by:: Julie Bellucci, SLP and Erin Burns, RN, PTA with Premier Therapy, LLC
A successful proactive falls program focuses on both patient specific identification of risk and facility centered training. Initial preadmission screening and comprehensive assessments by IDT members are crucial to identifying residents at risk. Patient centered approaches and interventions are implemented and tracked for effectiveness. Analysis tools can highlight many areas of risk and be used to train all care staff in preventative measures. Because root causes of falls are multifactorial, many quality measures can be impacted positively by a comprehensive falls program.
Basic Respiratory Assessment by Nursing in the Long Term Facility
Presented by: Tonna Berenstein CRT, LPN, a thirty plus year Respiratory Care professional experienced in Acute care, Long term Acute Care, Nursing Home, Emergency Department, Rehab and Homecare.
Education will address an introduction to respiratory evaluation, as well as techniques and therapies to maintain residents with optimal respiratory care. Education is intended to review pulmonary and respiratory care for long term care residents completed by nurses and which treatment modalities are most effective for the geriatric population.
Sexual Wellness in Aging
Presented by: Dr. Casey Pinto. An assistant professor at Penn State University where she teaches public health and researches disparities in the prevalence of sexually transmitted infections

Sexual wellness incorporates a multitude of factors but I will focus on the following few topics:

Everyone has sex, so learning how to talk about it is a must with a discussion of the CDC’s 6Ps. Factors impacting behaviors that will put older adults at a higher risk for STIs and PID (lack of sex education, lack of a fear of pregnancy) and how to mitigate these risks. Review of the following STIs symptoms, side effects, treatment, and testing:
Syphilis, Mpox, HIV and Chlamydia/Gonorrhea.

Restorative Nursing Program: Implementation and Maintenance
Presented by: Sophie Campbell, MSN, RN, CRRN, RAC-CT, CNDLTC, Executive Director for PADONA.
Restorative Nursing Programs have a positive impact on resident functional mobility and self-care, as well as a host of other benefits that result from the resident being able to be more safe and independent. There is also the business case for the programs through the positive impact on both Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement and the potential to positively impact the 5 star quality rating through the quality measures and health inspections. This education will focus on implementing and sustaining a restorative nursing program while being able to make the business case for having the program in the facility.
Let’s Talk Behavior Management
Presented by: Angela Huffman, RN, WCC Clinical Program Specialist, Real Time Medical Systems with greater than 30 years’ experience in healthcare and long-term care.
    Objectives for this education session include:
  • Understand Federal requirements to meet behavioral health needs
  • Describe the presentation of different types of problem behaviors
  • List the triggers and causes of behaviors in persons with dementia
  • Discuss the impact of routine and meaningfull activities
  • Identify evidence-based interventions to address behaviors related to emotion, sensation and agitation
  • Discuss drug and non-drug interventions that may be used to manage problem behaviors
Navigating Opioid Use Disorder in Long-Term Care Facilities: Treatment, Screening, & Education
Presented by: Dr. Jean Storm, DO, CMD, CHCQM, Medical Director for Quality Insights,
Nursing homes are crucial for ensuring MOUD continuity post-hospital discharge, minimizing adverse events, and facilitating access to substance use disorder specialists. This webinar will cover integrating OUD screening into admission assessments, providing treatment access, and recognizing and managing overdoses.
Addressing and Managing Suicidal Ideation
Presented by: Dr. Erica Featherson, a Licensed Psychologist who has worked with residents in rehabilitation and long term care facilities through supportive care.
Long term care nursing team members are sometimes faced with residents with suicidal ideations. It is difficult to know what the next step should be to assist the resident and protect the staff members. This education by a psychologist will focus on the signs and symptoms of suicide and how to effectively respond to these effectively.
Surveys and Behavioral Health: Navigating Your Way
Presented by: Edward M Faulkner RN BSN NHA, VP of Clinical Operations for Vital HealthCare Solutions
DOH surveys are increasingly focused on a facility’s psychotropic usage and management of behavioral health. One is not separate from the other, each have areas that if there is not a robust program, can be cited for non-compliance. We will discuss the most frequent FTAGs used, common pitfalls to avoid, and the steps facilities need to have in place to assure success in behavioral health management and psychotropic stewardship.
Improving the Quality of Medication Reconciliation
Presented by: Melissa S. Baxter, PharmD, BCPS Director of Clinical Pharmacy Services Woodmark Pharmacy of NY and Avra Thomas PharmD, MS, BCGP, FASCP Senior Director of Pharmacy Practice American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP)
An estimated 80% of serious medical errors occur due to miscommunication during transitions of care. Hospital admission and discharge are transitions frequently associated with medication related problems. This presentation will share strategies for resolving common medication-related problems at transitions of care, tips to deprescribing and best practices for working with your consultant pharmacist to address critical components of medication management.
Empower and Engage: Strategies and Successes for Staffing Stability in Long-Term Care
Presented by: Dr. Jean Storm DO, CMD, CHCQM; Amy Porter BS, LPN Dr. Jean Storm is the Medical Director for Quality Insights, which is a quality improvement organization.
This education will discuss strategies for promoting nursing home staff stability, empowering nursing assistants, and improving infection prevention. Presented by Jean Storm, DO, CMD, and Amy Porter, BS, LPN, this presentation will review effective methods to leverage CNAs and highlight actionable insights to enhance resident care and drive positive change in your facility.

Have a Question?

Call or email us with any questions you might have.

President/Board Chair
Candace McMullen
(814) 617-1435

Directed in Service & Continuing Education
Sophie Campbell
(724) 601-7873

LuAnn White
(814) 599-3717

Free Consultation

Whether you are interested in becoming a member, exhibitor, sponsor, scholarship recipient, etc, we will answer all of your questions. Lets schedule your free consultation.

    *During our programs, speakers declare any conflicts of interest and do not promote off label use or promote specific products during the webinar.

    PADONA is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Pennsylvania State Nurses Association Approver Unit, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

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