Continuing Education
PADONA offers a number of educational programs and webinars designed to provide long-term care nurses and administrators with relevant and timely information to address regulatory and operational challenges. Each program provides Nursing Continuing Professional Development contact hours to meet annual requirements.
Upcoming Programs
Upcoming webinars will be announced soon
Check back as new webinars are added…
Register for Upcoming Webinars
Contact hour will be awarded after completion of an online program evaluation which includes submission of your license number. Successful completion requires attending the webinar for the entire time. The evaluation will require a code from the beginning of the webinar and a code from the end of the webinar.
Providers may have as many people as they would like listening to the webinars but only the registered person who completes the evaluation will receive the contact hour. Webinar registration is available for both PADONA members & non-members.
Registration for all webinars closes at 9 am on the day of the webinar.
PADONA hosted education is available ONLY to Pennsylvania nurses.
Credit Card Payments – Change to Current Process
In an effort to ensure your credit card payment information remains secure, we will no longer be utilizing the ‘Credit Card Authorization Form’ to process credit card payments. Effective today, to make credit card payments, please utilize one of the following methods:
1. You can register and submit credit card or debit card payment for educational events, such as our webinars and annual conference, directly through our website using Paypal.
2. You can submit your registration form directly to LuAnn White. Once registration is received, LuAnn will generate an invoice that will include a payment link for you to pay directly via credit card.
We will continue to accept checks for payment as well. This change impacts ONLY credit card payments. We appreciate your cooperation with this policy change.
Once your payment has been received and membership status verified, you will be registered for the webinar. For payment questions contact LuAnn White at For questions related to webinars contact Sophie Campbell at
PADONA is an approved provider, with distinction, of Nursing Continuing Professional Development contact hours by the Pennsylvania State Nurses Association Approver Unit, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Neither the presenter nor the planner have declared a conflict of interest.
Weight Management for Long Term Care Residents and Weight Management Programs
April 15, 2025
11:30 am until 12:30 pm
Deborah Nicolosi, RD, LDN, CDP
Clinical Nutrition Director for Forefront
Registration Fee:
Registration fee is $35 for members and $50 for non-members
Other Information: PADONA hosted education is available ONLY to Pennsylvania nurses.
Register here for Weight Management for Long Term Care Residents
Live Webinar Registration - 35-50
Infection and Vaccine Reporting: Which, Where, How Soon?
April 22, 2025
11:30 am until 12:30 pm
Denise Cutting, RN, MSN, MHS, CNL, CIC
PA Patient Safety Authority
Registration Fee:
Registration fee is $35 for members and $50 for non-members
Other Information: PADONA hosted education is available ONLY to Pennsylvania nurses.
Register here for Infection and Vaccine Reporting: Which, Where, How Soon?
Live Webinar Registration - 35-50
Defensive Medical Record Documentation
April 29, 2025
11:30 am until 12:30 pm
Ivana Paulino, BSN, RN
Lewis Litigation Consulting Services
Registration Fee:
Registration fee is $35 for members and $50 for non-members
Other Information: PADONA hosted education is available ONLY to Pennsylvania nurses.
Register here for Infection and Vaccine Reporting: Which, Where, How Soon?
Live Webinar Registration - 35-50
Reporting HAIs in Pennsylvania – Which Ones Need to be Reported and to Whom?
May 6, 2025
11:30 am until 12:30 pm
Denise Cutting, RN, MSN, MHS, CNL, CIC
PA Patient Safety Authority
Registration Fee:
Registration fee is $35 for members and $50 for non-members
Other Information: PADONA hosted education is available ONLY to Pennsylvania nurses.
Register here for Reporting HAIs in Pennsylvania
Live Webinar Registration - 35-50
Audits in Long Term Care – Where Should the Focus Be?
May 13, 2025
11:30 am until 12:30 pm
Jennifer Fittery, RN
Clinical Consultant with CHR Consulting Services, Inc.
Registration Fee:
Registration fee is $35 for members and $50 for non-members
Other Information: PADONA hosted education is available ONLY to Pennsylvania nurses.
Register here for Audits in Long Term Care
Live Webinar Registration - 35-50
Conflict Management in the Workplace
May 20, 2025
11:00 am until 1:00 pm
(Note the time difference from usual and duration is 2 hours)
Nicol Brown
Chief Human Resources and Compliance Officer and certified Conflict Manager
Registration Fee:
Registration fee is $60 members and $90 non-members
Other Information: PADONA hosted education is available ONLY to Pennsylvania nurses.
Register here for Conflict Management in the Workplace
Live Webinar Registration - 60 - 90
Proactive Opportunities to Avoid Litigation
June 4, 2025
11:30 am until 12:30 pm
Education Objectives:
• 95% of learners will be able to describe the core elements of medical record
documentation and those that are not effective.
• 95% of learners will be able to describe processes to avoid litigation through
education and proactive implementation of opportunities.
• 95% of the learners will self-report that the education provided knowledge that
will change their current systems and processes to avoid litigation.
• 95% of learners will complete the self-evaluation stating the impact the education
will have on their current practices.
• 95% of learners will attend the full 60-minute education session.
Requirements for Contact Hours: 1.0 Nursing Continuing Professional Development
contact hour will be provided following:
• Attendance for the complete 60 minutes of education
• Completion of a self-evaluation within 14 days of the education that includes the
nursing license number and the correct beginning and ending codes.
Educator: Terri Gabany, BSN, RN, NHA, WCC, RAC-CT
Terri has been a nurse for over 40 years. She has worked in long-term for over 30 years as a LPN, RN supervisor, ADON, DON, and NHA. Terri is a former PADONA board member. Terri is a nurse consultant and one of the legal nurse professionals with Lewis Litigation Support and Clinical Consulting, LLC, which offers clinical consultation to nursing homes, personal care, and assisted living facilities in Pennsylvania and nearby states. The nurse consultants have assisted several local nursing home chains and other providers since 1997. They are an approved provider of continuing education for Registered Professional Nurses and are listed on the Pennsylvania Department of Health provider list for directed in-service education. They also provide training to Directors of Nursing, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, Nursing Home Administrators, Social Services, Departmental/ Unit Supervisors, Dietary, Infection preventionists, Staff development coordinators, and Environmental services.
Registration Fee:
Registration fee is $35 members and $50 non-members
Other Information: PADONA hosted education is available ONLY to Pennsylvania nurses.
Register here for Proactive Opportunities to Avoid Litigation
Live Webinar Registration - 35-50
Medication Administration Infection Prevention Standards:
Paving the Way for Enhanced Resident Safety
June 24, 2025
11:30 am until 12:30 pm
Professional Practice Gap/Description of Education: The education will cover infection prevention risks for residents and health care workers related to common medication administration methods. We will discuss standard precautions, such as hand hygiene, personal protective equipment, sharps safety and cleaning and disinfection as they apply to medication administration. Participants will gain a better understanding of the rationale behind infection prevention actions and their impact on health care safety.
1. Recognize three body reservoirs which contribute to cross contamination during medication administration
2. List three hand hygiene moments during medication administration
3. Explain why cleaning and disinfection of shared devices is required during medication administration
Requirements for Contact Hours: 1.0 Nursing contact hour will be provided by the
Pennsylvania Department of Health Bureau of Epidemiology through TRAIN PA.
Educator: Merewyn Sheeran, BS, RN, CIC, LTC-CIP
Infection Preventionist with the Bureau of Epidemiology at the Pennsylvania Department of Health. She is part of the Division of Healthcare Associated Infection Prevention and a subject matter expert for PA Project Firstline.
Merry is a member of PA Project Firstline which was a project developed in partnership
with the CDC designed to promote foundational knowledge on infection prevention and
control (IPC) for all types of frontline healthcare workers. PA Project Firstline activities build Pennsylvania’s healthcare workforce expertise in IPC and help to keep the
healthcare community safe from infectious disease threats.
Registration Fee:
There is no registration fee for this education due to the partnership between the Pennsylvania Department of Health Bureau of Epidemiology and Project FirstLine.
Other Information: PADONA hosted education is available ONLY to Pennsylvania nurses.
Register here for Medication Administration Infection Prevention Standards
Live Webinar Registration - free
Save the Date for This Upcoming Seminar
More information will be coming soon.
PADONA Annual Leadership Development Course
September 17 through September 20, 2024
Opportunity to complete the DON Certification Exam at the end of the course.
Have a Question?
President/Board Chair
Candace McMullen
(814) 617-1435
Directed in Service & Continuing Education
Sophie Campbell
(724) 601-7873
LuAnn White
(814) 599-3717
Free Consultation
Whether you are interested in becoming a member, exhibitor, sponsor, scholarship recipient, etc, we will answer all of your questions. Lets schedule your free consultation.
* All presenters and planners will declare relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies prior to the program.
PADONA is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Pennsylvania State Nurses Association Approver Unit, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.